Lodging & Meals

Big Cedar Whitetails has 2 lodges can sleep 16 guests. High quality mattresses insure you a good nights sleep. Telephone land lines and cell service is available along with high speed internet in both lodges. Both lodges feature large mudrooms to store all of your gear and dress for the hunt, indoor skinning rack and commercial ice makers.
Back in Mississippi, we have a heritage of good country cooking, and at Big Cedar Whitetails, we have plenty of it. In the mornings before the hunt, you will wake up to fresh coffee brewing. There will be pastries, cereal and toast if you like. About 10:30 or 11:00, we have a big breakfast that rivals Cracker Barrel. Sandwich fixings and plenty of snacks, such as homemade cookies are available in case you are a little hungry before you head back out to hunt. You can stay in the stand all day if you want as well and we will provide you some snacks to get you by. Then for supper, as we call it, we bring out the meat and potatoes. Ribeye steaks, Fried deer steak, and hamburger steaks in gravy are just a few of the main courses. Our cooks will make sure you have plenty of homemade deserts too. Big Cedar Whitetails is not the place to be on a diet, but we can accommodate special dietary needs with a little notice.