Book a Hunt
Our Hunts
Big Cedar Whitetails hunts both owned and leased land along the Pike and Calhoun county line in West Central Illinois. Our focus is 5 1/2 day archery hunts (bow or crossbow) during the pre-rut and rut. Occasionally we may offer shotgun or Muzzleloader hunts but not every year. Contact us for more info or if you have any questions about a hunt.
2024 Archery Hunt Dates & Pricing
Call today for last minute availability!
Contact-Paul @601-506-5844 or
Rebecca- Email
Oct. 26st – Oct 31th
Nov. 2nd – Nov. 7th
Nov. 9th – Nov. 14th
Nov. 16th – Nov. 20th
Price for our hunts will be $2950 per hunter. This includes meals, lodging and great fellowship. Hunters are responsible for their Illinois license and permits.
2025 Archery Hunt Dates
Book early to reserve your hunt!
Contact-Paul @601-506-5844 or
Rebecca- Email
Dates coming soon!
Oct. – Oct.
Oct. – Nov.
Nov. – Nov.
Nov. – Nov.
Price for our hunts will be $2950 per hunter. This includes meals, lodging and great fellowship. Hunters are responsible for their Illinois license and permits.
We hunt out of lock-ons, ladder stands, and elevated shooting blinds. Each hunter will have multiple stands to choose from for different wind directions as well as an elevated blind for the occasional rainy day. Some hunters bring climbers, but very seldom are they used. If you need to make a move, we can put one of our stands up for you.
Food Plots
All our farms have row crops planted on them, as well as multiple ponds and heavy cover for bedding. We have our hunters hunt over standing corn, standing beans, clover, alfalfa, turnips, and green patches. You might call it, the Midwest Buffett.
We have a minimum of 130 gross P&Y, with a $1000 fine for any buck that does not meet the minimum. Button bucks are also bucks that do not score. This program has been in place for years. The exception to the rule, would be management bucks that we have pictures of that is mature, but does not score well.
We also monitor our doe populations and overall numbers. Some years we may kill two does per buck and other years, we try to kill one to one.